Harris Insinuates Trump Is Literally Hitler As Democrats Enter Election Panic Mode

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No president should be trusted to operate outside the bounds of the US Constitution, this is a lesson that has been repeated on multiple occasions throughout American history.  Each president should be held accountable for direct violations of their oath of office and each president should be scrutinized by the American public.  With that ideal in mind, it’s interesting that the establishment has devoted so much time and energy to pursuing only one president in recent memory for supposed constitutional violations, and that man is Donald Trump. 

The numerous trespasses perpetrated by the Clintons, the Bush family, Barack Obama, and the Biden/Harris team have gone completely ignored.  Why is it that they get a pass while Trump is placed under an electron microscope?

Keep in mind, only a couple years ago the American public was embroiled in a life-or-death battle to stop their constitutional rights from being erased forever by the Biden Administration and their globalist handlers.  Biden’s vaccine passport efforts were particularly troubling; if they have been successful the Bill of Rights would be effectively dead and the federal government would have total control over every detail of civilian life.

Good luck keeping a job, going to public places, keeping your kids and staying out of a covid camp should you refuse to take the latest mRNA booster shot.  That’s the future Americans were facing under Biden/Harris and the Democrats.

Covid hysteria and the government response is exactly what fascism looks like, and a large number of Democrats cheered for these policies.  This is why the accusations by the political left calling Donal Trump “literal Hitler” ring rather hollow.  They’ve been acting like authoritarians for the past four years they’ve been in power and the hypocrisy is steaming. 

Kamala Harris recently held a press briefing to make a statement comparing Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler, an action which smacks of panic in the midst of polling numbers which increasingly show Trump winning by a landslide in November.  In only two weeks, the Democrats face a conservative red wave the likes of which hasn’t been seen in decades.  It’s obvious they’ve run out of ideas on how to counter this outcome.  

Harris’ accusation that Trump “wants generals like Hitler had” is based on a hearsay claim from Gen. John Kelly.  This is the same man that Trump fired while in office for incompetence.  The same man that claimed in 2023 that Trump called military casualties “suckers” and “losers”.  There is no proof to verify any of Kelly’s assertions.

‘Trump is Hitler’ was just one giant MSM psyop. 

Data from Bloomberg shows MSM has been pushing ‘Trump Nazi’ hate campaign for nearly a decade.  

It is true, though, that Trump suggested using the National Guard to stop leftist riots.  Trump noted in an interview with Fox News’ Maria Bartiromo in an interview on “Sunday Morning Futures” that:

“I think the bigger problem are the people from within. We have some very bad people. We have some sick people. Radical left lunatics…”

“I think it should be very easily handled by, if necessary, by National Guard, or if really necessary, by the military, because they can’t let that happen…”

The corporate media has latched onto this narrative, suggesting that this is a precursor to a fascist future.  But if one remembers back to the days of the BLM riots and burning cities, the idea of National Guard intervention makes perfect sense.  Military intervention is another matter and it’s fair to debate such a premise.  However, let’s not forget that there have been at least two separate and nearly successful assassination attempts against Trump by leftists (both donators to ActBlue). 

It’s not crazy to suggest that extreme violence on the part of the political left is possible in the event of a Trump win.  They’ve proven capable of it on numerous occasions.  Almost everyone expects a civil war to break out over the 2024 election.  Trump was commenting on that possible scenario. 

It’s also unlikely that Americans today are as willing to tolerate mass political violence from leftists the way they did four years ago.  Trump addressing the issue bluntly is not an endorsement of Hitler or fascism, its a recognition of the instability of our times.   

The political left is well aware that they are likely to lose in November; they might be giving their devout followers the green light to become violent post-election using the Hitler narrative as a rationale.  If Trump is “literally Hitler” then all violence is justified, is it not?  


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