Leftists Are Terrified About What Will Happen To Them If Trump Wins The Election

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After being indoctrinated for almost a decade to believe that their political opponents are secret Nazis ready to install a fascist regime, it’s not surprising that Democrats are freaking out over recent polls indicating a potential Trump win in the November elections.  Convinced that America 2024 is going to be a repeat of Germany 1933, ignorant leftists are scrambling to determine whether or not to leave the US or “start a revolution.”  The anxiety is palpable.   

The New Yorker recently asserted in an arduous and rambling article spanning centuries of political history and every rhetorical cliche imaginable that, essentially, Trump is likely to win.

The outlet describes Kamala Harris as “virtuous” (which is laughable), but they suggest this trait is not respected enough within the American political sphere. They lament the undeniable shift of global politics to the conservative right while refusing to ask why it’s happening?  They simply default to the old low-IQ and low effort accusations of “racism” and “xenophobia”.  The New Yorker argues:

“Even when it is utterly self-destructive – as in Britain, where the xenophobia of Brexit cut the U.K. off from traditional allies while increasing immigration from the Global South—the apprehension that “we” are being flooded by frightening foreigners works its malign magic. 

It’s an old but persistent delusion that far-right nationalism is not rooted in the emotional needs of far-right nationalists but arises, instead, from the injustices of neoliberalism…”

The mass immigration from the third world continues in Britain because the same progressive elitists are still in charge despite the Brexit vote.  That’s why the country is spiraling into a pit of criminality, mass stabbings and a rape epidemic. It’s the reason why the British voted for Brexit in the first place. 

Brexit and the end of mass immigration is the will of the majority of the people, just as it’s the will of the majority of people in many parts if Europe and the US.  Yet, leftists who pontificate endlessly about the virtues of democracy dismiss the majority when it suits them.  It is this arrogance of the political left that has led directly to the rise of the right wing movement that so utterly terrifies them.  

The problem is, leftists never take responsibility because they see this as an expression of weakness, and also because their moral relativism allows them to rationalize any behavior as necessary “for the greater good.”  Their main character syndrome spurs them to believe they are the ultimate good in the world, and if they are the ultimate good then anyone who dares oppose them must be the ultimate evil. 

This is why they have a tendency to demonize their political opposition in extreme ways.  The New Yorker describes Trump as singularly dangerous, comparing him to mobsters, tyrants and even cancer:

“Trumpism is a cancerous phenomenon. Treated with surgery once, it now threatens to come back in a more aggressive form, subject neither to the radiation of “guardrails” nor to the chemo of “constraints.” It may well rage out of control and kill its host…”

And this kind of rhetoric is exactly why there have been at least two assassination attempts on Trump’s life; attempts which the leftist media then shamelessly blamed on Trump.  It’s also gaslighting, considering the level of tyranny Democrats have engaged in under Biden and the contempt they have displayed for American ideals over the past decade.  

The fantasy world of the left is rife with paranoia built on a foundation of emotional sand rather than evidence.  They see a new Trump term as the end of everything:

“Having lost the popular vote, as he surely will, he will not speak up to reconcile “all Americans.” He will insist that he won the popular vote, and by a landslide. He will pardon and then celebrate the January 6th insurrectionists, and thereby guarantee the existence of a paramilitary organization that’s capable of committing violence on his behalf without fear of consequences. He will, with an obedient Attorney General, begin prosecuting his political opponents…”

“When he begins to pressure CNN and ABC, and they, with all the vulnerabilities of large corporations, bend to his will, telling themselves that his is now the will of the people, what will we do to fend off the slow degradation of open debate?

Trump will certainly abandon Ukraine to Vladimir Putin and realign this country with dictatorships and against NATO and the democratic alliance of Europe. Above all, the spirit of vengeful reprisal is the totality of his beliefs—very much like the fascists of the twentieth century in being a man and a movement without any positive doctrine except revenge against his imagined enemies…”

The establishment media has imagined quite a reformation of American politics at the hands of Trump, and a lot of it actually sounds pretty good.  But as many conservatives have noted, if Trump had authoritarian intentions why didn’t he follow through on them during his first term? 

Some would argue that he did too little in the face of the city burning antics of BLM, and that he should have pushed harder to stop the legal railroading of the J6 protesters who did little in comparison to the race rioters.  Where is this uncompromising zealot that The New Yorker describes?  He doesn’t exist.

What is this really about?  It’s about the political left’s unspoken fear of a justified reckoning.  Deep down, they know they deserve punishment and they know most of the country has no interest in protecting them. 

They’ve spent years instigating civil unrest, they attempted an authoritarian takeover of the country using covid mandates as a foil, they lied incessantly about the threat of a stagflation crisis, they colluded to violate the 1st Amendment as the Biden White House and Big Tech platforms worked together to censor public discourse online, and they have targeted American children with sexualized gender ideology in public schools in an attempt to convert them permanently to the far-left cult.  They know what they have done and they know consequences are incoming.  

A lot of them are talking about leaving the country should Trump prevail in November, as the New York Times reports.  Their reasons vary, but worries of “fascism” top the list while others say they want to be able to trans their children (or abort their children) without interference.  The reality is that no one will miss these people and the US would be better off without them.  They would be doing the country a favor by running away.

Talk of “revolution” has been much less pronounced compared to 2016, and this suggests that leftists realize their grift is finally over.  They are some of the most hated people on the planet, and for good reason.  They spent the last several years burning every bridge and violating every principle that Americans hold dear in the pursuit of ultimate power.  They’re also losing popularity in Europe, it’s not just an American trend. 

Trump may or may not pursue an administration of “vengeance”.  It’s likely he will not act on most of the scenarios the New Yorker describes.  Democrats focus a lot on Trump as if he’s the source of their ills.

What they don’t understand is that it’s not really Trump they should be worried about – It’s the millions of people suffering under progressive governments and aggressive woke activism that present the biggest threat. 

You can’t simply engage in the wanton destruction of western culture, economics, freedom and morality and then pretend like you’re a victim when the torches and pitchforks come calling.              


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