News Site Known For Being Fiercely Critical Of US Foreign Policy Hacked, Removed From Web

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The fiercely independent investigative news source Consortium News has been taken offline following what its editor has said is a major hack following a series of data breaches.

“Our web host has confirmed seven recent data breaches and now it appears that our site has been totally replaced. We have been hacked,” the website announced on X, saying that it is working to restore the site. WikiLeaks also confirmed that the website has been completely removed, and current and archived historic articles are no longer accessible at this time.

Consortium News articles are frequently featured also on ZeroHedge. The long-running independent news source focuses on US national security affairs as well as foreign policy and geopolitics. 

The website has remained a constant critic of Washington expansionism and military intervention abroad, and is a critic of Israeli military action. It also very closely followed and reported on the London extradition court proceedings of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.

Throughout Monday morning users visiting would get a return of the following page:

And all past article links are also inaccessible at this point…

The late Robert Parry, who passed in 2018 at the age of 68, founded Consortium News. The Virginia-based Parry was famous for breaking several major stories related to the Iran–Contra affair for the The Associated Press (AP) and Newsweek.

He also revealed a number of previously unknown details related to the CIA training the Nicaraguan contras in the 1980s, including revealing the CIA’s “Psychological Operations in Guerrilla Warfare” manual, as well as US intelligence involvement in cocaine trafficking related to covert operations in Central America.

The website also features much of this vital past work of Parry’s, as well as interviews, related to these national security state scandals.


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