The FT Alphaville Pub Quiz is back

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FT Alphaville’s pub quiz is BACK! Same thing, same location as last time, new date:

Thing: Several rounds of “sadistic” questions on things to do with finance and money and economics and the like.
Location: Painters’ Hall, a glamorous City of London location with space for about 30 teams of 4-6 people.
Date: 2nd November*.

With the gentlification of May’s quiz leading to the winning team scoring nearly 50 per cent, we think we’ve got the balance about right, but we might make things even easier this time around — so don’t hesitate to gather your smartest friends and ENTER THE ARENA.

After a careful review of our financial performance and Robin’s travel budget, we’ve had to increase ticket prices (sorry, Andrew): tickets are £25PP including a gourmet beef, chicken or veggie/vegan burger and chips. We will require payment upfront, so prepare to be nagged.

Loot for the winners, as ever, will be bespoke and hugely fantastic.

The important stuff

Where: We’re returning to the Livery Hall at Painters’ Hall, by Mansion House Station — not far from Bank, St Paul’s, Blackfriars, FT headquarters and local IT specialists Bloomberg. It’s 20 minutes from Canary Wharf and just over half an hour by cab from City Airport. Helicopter parking is not provided.

When: Thursday, November 2. Sign-in will run from 6:15pm to 6:30pm BST, with the aim of starting promptly afterwards.

How: Email [email protected], subject line PQLDN23-2**. Teams of 4–6 people are welcome, so enlist those friends! For your entry to be complete, you must CC all team members, give the mobile number of the team captain, and state your team’s name. Tickets may go very quickly — so don’t wait around. Once your entry is confirmed, a member of the Alphaville Live Events Combine will follow up with information about payment and food. Space is limited and tables will be allocated first-pay-first-served***

Team names: To avoid punishing returners, no points will be given for best name, but there will be a shout-out. Beyond that, let your imagination run wild. If you want to stay anonymous, please don’t pick a name like “WANdisco Sales Desk”.

*Hell YEAH it’s a BoE MPC day.

**Catchy, we know.

***Please note this is an upgrade from the previous first-come-first-served policy, and will be enforced with great brutality.

Read the full article here

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