NYC voters explain why they’re voting for RFK Jr. over Biden: ‘Going to unify the nation’

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New York City voters explained why they are supporting Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., over President Biden.

Fox News Digital caught up with voters attending Kennedy’s Brooklyn town hall on Wednesday where the Democratic presidential candidate spoke on several issues.

One voter, Rayyan Ahmed, said he is supporting Kennedy because he believes the Democratic challenger is “going to unify the nation.”

“I really feel that, right now, what our nation lacks is unity,” Ahmed said. “I feel like Kennedy, what he’s going to do is he’s going to unify the nation.”


“Some of his ideas are of traditional fiscal conservative people, and some are Democratic ideas, but it’s the good of both,” he continued. “The good of the Republican Party and the good of the Democrat Party.”

“And that’s what we need,” Ahmed said, adding that he believes Kennedy “carries on the last name” of his family.

Another voter, Wallie Wolfgruber, said she is “very excited” about Kennedy’s candidacy, and hopes that he will “bring more unity and peace” to America and the world.

“After all this separation, just to be able to be tolerant again, tolerant of each other’s different opinions,” Wolfgruber, who said she was originally from Germany but is a U.S. citizen, told Fox News Digital. “The right to have an opinion and to express it is so basic in a democracy, and I feel it kind of going away.”

“I’m also very disturbed about the war still going on in Europe, and in this day and age why can’t we talk? Why can’t we believe in the possibility we can solve problems by talking with each other?” Wolfgruber continued, adding that “very few people benefit” from making a “profit” off military action. 

“War is never, never a good thing. People die. Our children die,” she said, adding, “I think it could have been over already if we had different leadership, like Kennedy.”

Kennedy addressed a crowd of about 800 people gathered in a Brooklyn warehouse Wednesday, speaking on a number of topics, including immigration, inflation, the housing market and ending the war in Ukraine. 

“I’m running against two presidents who both served one term and essentially are gaslighting the American people by telling them that they produced a wave of prosperity for this country. They are running on that record,” Kennedy said, garnering applause. 

“These traumas – my uncle’s death, my father’s death, Malcom X, Martin Luther King, Vietnam War itself, 9/11 and ultimately the COVID crisis, these series of traumas, all of them played this role in pushing us farther and farther down the road Eisenhower warned us against – the military industrial complex,” Kennedy told a cheering audience. “And now over the past 20 years, we’ve spent $8 trillion on useless wars, and we’re now in another one in Ukraine that could have easier been avoided. It could have easily been settled.”


“Big Anthony,” a Marine and New York City voter, told Fox News Digital that at “this stage” of his life, he wants “to make the country a better place for all Americans.”

“Not just certain people who get certain rights,” Big Anthony said. “We have no rights anymore. Our freedom of speech has been taken away — the First, Second, and Fourth Amendment has been trampled upon.”

“The way they’ve treated us like we’re a bunch of morons,” he continued. “The man running the country and the people behind him are evil.”

“We could ask a hundred questions: what happened to the pipeline? Why are we making all our senior citizens not live right? Why are we destroying the schools?” he said. “Look, I have nothing against people’s sexual preferences, but why are we telling 3- and 4-year-old kids, ‘Are you a boy or are you a girl?’”

“It’s insanity!” he added. “Have we lost our minds?”

In addition to seeing Kennedy, Big Anthony told Fox News Digital he came out to support U.S. Senate candidate Diane Sare, an independent hoping to challenge incumbent Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., in 2024. 

Fox News Digital spoke to Sare about why she is aligning herself with Kennedy.

“I think we really need maverick voices, I suspect the Democratic Party will really try to crush and destroy him, as they did with Bernie Sanders, and as they did with Tulsi [Gabbard],” Sare told Fox News Digital of Kennedy. “I don’t know what’s gonna happen. I would hope he ends up running as an independent ultimately.”

“I think the nation is weary of war, which is probably why Kennedy is the leading Democratic candidate and Trump is the Republican candidate.” she said. “I think the number one issue is avoiding thermonuclear war. I think we’re much closer than people realize. I don’t think the Biden administration has a clue what they’re doing. They’re unbelievably arrogant and ignorant.”


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